
Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Business Embrace the Automated Expense Reporting Technology

Some of the managers and entrepreneurs understood the price of the optimizing their expenses reporting software according to what the business needs and also the compny.
Larger corporations are beginning to take advantage positive benefits that can come when they integrate their expense management systems with travel booking applications and other relevant tools, according to a report from the Business Travel News Expense Manager Survey. The poll found that 45 percent of respondents had integrated their travel and expense report systems with online booking, up from 34 percent recorded during the previous year. Six percent reported that they planned to install such technology over the course of the coming year.

"Now you're not just picking that $5 million [of spend] and signing your style on an Excel spreadsheet and issuing checks against it," said Anthony Wessels, vice president of marketing at Coupa. "Now you're actually optimizing, looking at spend as a whole, taking the spend power you have and saving the company money."

Writing for Fast Company, American Express Global Business Travel president Kim Goodman agreed with the need for innovation in the business travel market, stating that mobile integration across different channels is a necessity for high-level expense reporting software.

"The bar has been set for technology that talks the best individual happening without sacrificing the priorities of corporate travel programs," she wrote.


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